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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not previously been published, and is currently not undergoing the review procedure of another journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  • The URL addresses for bibliographical units available on the internet have been attached.
  • The text uses single line spacing and a 12-point font; italics are preferred to underlining (the latter is acceptable for URL addresses); all illustrations, figures, and tables are located in appropriate places in the text, rather than at its end.
  • The text fulfils the style and bibliographical requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines , which can be found in the section »About«.
  • All information that could reveal the author's identity has been removed from the text and the properties of the electronic document.

Author Guidelines

By sending their manuscripts, the authors confirm the originality of their content and guarantee that the submitted manuscripts have not been previously published in another publication, whether in part or fully, and that they are not currently being considered for publishing in another publication.

The authorship of the paper should be limited to persons who significantly contributed to the conception, elaboration, conducting, and interpretation of the research.

All authors must be allowed to consult the final version of their paper and give their approval for its publishing in the Studia lexicographica journal. The authors are obliged to mention all data sources they have used in their research and cite all the publications that influenced their research, in accordance with the guidelines of the Studia lexicographica.

If the author at any time discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in a paper sent for consideration to Studia lexicographica, or in a published paper, he is obliged to inform the editorial board.

Studia lexicographica publishes papers in Croatian and English, though exceptions can be made for papers written in a language relevant to a particular field. The editorial board is responsible for the revision, proofreading, and editing of the texts in Croatian as well as the translation of Croatian abstracts, figure and table captions, and keywords into English. Quality translation and professional editing and proofreading of papers written in English and the related costs are the responsibility of the authors. If the paper uses material (figures, tables, graphs, etc.) that are the intellectual property of someone else, the authors need to secure written permission for its use from the intellectual property holder, and are responsible for covering any related expenses. Usually, the process from manuscript submission to paper publication lasts 3 to 5 months.

Paper submission, processing, and publishing are free of charge.

Authors are entitled to one free copy of the printed volume of the journal.

Publication ethics and publication malpractise statement

Manuscript submission

Papers are submitted in electronic form via the (Open Journal System) on the journal's web pages: Papers can also be submitted via e-mail to the journal ( or the executive editor, Iva Klobučar Srbić (

Along with their paper, each of its authors is required to submit a signed Authorship Statement (which contains the title of the paper and data on the author(s)), by which they guarantee that it has not yet been published in another journal or book, that it has not been sent to the editorial board of another journal or book, that all authors have significantly contributed to its research and writing, that they have secured the rights to use any material that is the intellectual property of a third party, that they take full responsibility in cases of possible copyright disputes, and, finally, that they agree with the journal's editorial policy.

Instructions for styling papers

  • The paper's text is submitted exclusively in digital form (in any version of the MS Word)
  • The text needs to be written in the font Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, with single line spacing. Pages need to be numbered.
  • Notes need to be written in font size 10 pt, with single line spacing.
  • The length of papers is not limited, but it is recommended that they do not surpass 43,200 characters (with spacing), including the bibliography and abstracts in Croatian and English.
  • Figures attached to the paper need to be of a quality sufficient for digital preparation and printing (JPG or TIFF format, 300 dpi, min. 10x15 cm). They need to be arranged so that it is possible to read them together with the text. The text needs to contain numbered references to any figures (Fig. 1) or tables (Tab. 1). Illustrations, arranged according to the indicated sequence and with the appropriate captions (title/description, year, source, owner, author), and tables (if in Excel format) need to be sent in a separate document using the standard web services (WeTransfer, Share Space, Jumbo Mail, etc.). The text needs to clearly indicate their position.

Papers need to contain the following elements:

  • title
  • each author's name, affiliation, e-mail address, and ORCID identifier (if they have one)
  • abstract (1800–2700 characters), which should contain the goal and methodology of the research and the most important findings and conclusions
  • up to seven (7) keywords
  • text of the paper; if the paper is structured into chapters and sub-chapters, we ask authors to consistently number the units, starting with the first chapter and ending with the references (e.g. 1. Introduction, 2. Theoretical framework, 2.1. Overview of extant research /.../ 6. References)
  • reference list
  • title, and abstract in English with keywords
  • title and abstract in Croatian with keywords (if the paper is written in English or another foreign language)
  • information on organisations that have supported the research and the sources of funding for the research

Citation and references

Authors can use the Oxford or Chicago citation style. An author should use only one citation style in his/her paper. Authors using the Oxford citation style, in which the reference unit should be fully stated in the footnote when first mentioned, do not need to submit a separate reference list. If the next footnote refers to the same unit, then the abbreviation »ibid.« should be used, followed by the corresponding page number. If a unit is mentioned repeatedly, but not successively, then it is written in an abbreviated form (last name, page number). When multiple papers by the same author are mentioned again, then one only needs to write the last name, abbreviated title and page number.

The following rules of referencing apply when using the Oxford style:

authored book: Antun Barac, Mažuranić, Zagreb, Matica hrvatska, 1945, p. 100.

chapter in a book or proceedings: Reinhard Lauer, »Vjekovi Ilirije Ivana Mažuranića«, in: Poetika i ideologija, Belgrade, Prosveta, 1987, p. 190.

paper in a journal: Josip Vončina, »Ilirizam i Gundulićev Osman«, Umjetnost riječi, 29, 1, 1985, p. 50 (the first number after the journal's name is the number of the volume, while the second number is the specific issue; if an individual journal has a different way of handling the periodisation – e.g. yearbooks – then this can be pointed out when citing the reference unit).

books or papers with more than one author: if a unit has two or three authors, they are mentioned without inversion (e.g. Stjepan Babić, Božidar Finka, Milan Moguš, Hrvatski pravopis, Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1996). If a unit has more than three authors, then only the name and surname of the first author are mentioned, followed by the abbreviation »et al.«

doctoral dissertation in a manuscript: Ivan Botica, Krbavski knezovi u srednjem vijeku, University of Zagreb, 2011, p. 150.

electronic internet sources: (accessed July 5, 2012).

When citing a reference unit, authors using the Chicago citation style should mention in the body of the text the author's last name, publishing year and the page number where the specific quote can be found (e.g. Barac 1945, 100). If the author's last name is mentioned in the sentence, then it can be omitted. In the list of the referred literature the units are listed in alphabetical order of the (first) author's last name. If the same author has multiple papers with the same publishing year, the units should be listed alphabetically according to the papers' titles, and each unit should be assigned a letter (a, b, c, etc.), after the year. Those units should always be referred to by including those letters in the text (e.g. Barac 1945a, 100; Barac 1945b, 101).

The following rules of citation apply when using the Chicago style:

authored book: Barac, Antun. 1945. Mažuranić. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.

chapter in a book or proceedings: Lauer, Reinhard. 1987. »Vjekovi Ilirije Ivana Mažuranića«. In: Poetika i ideologija, 100–101. Beograd, Prosveta (numbers before the place of publication refer to the first and last page of a chapter in a book or proceedings, so it is not necessary to add the abbreviation »p./pp.«).

paper in a journal: Vončina, Josip. 1985. »Ilirizam i Gundulićev Osman«. Umjetnost riječi, 29 (1), 49–76 (the number after the journal's title is the volume, while the number in parentheses is the specific issue. If a certain journal has a different way of handling the periodisation, then only the volume is mentioned, followed by the page range of the work after a colon. If the journal does not number volumes but only issues, then is written in parentheses after the journal's title the specific issue, and the page range of the work is written after a colon).

books or papers with more than one author: if a unit has two or three authors, then the first is mentioned inverted, and the rest without inversion (e.g. Babić, Stjepan, Božidar Finka, Milan Moguš. 1996. Hrvatski pravopis. Zagreb: Školska knjiga). If a unit has more than three authors, then only the first and last name of the first author are mentioned, followed by the abbreviation »et al.« The same applies when citing a unit in the body of the text (e.g. Babić, Finka, Moguš 1996, 48).

doctoral dissertation in a manuscript: Botica, Ivan. 2011. Krbavski knezovi u srednjem vijeku. Doctoral dissertation, University of Zagreb.

electronic internet sources: (July 5, 2012).



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