Manuscript legacy of dr. Andrija Štampar – from the frame of the individual to the domain of the collective keeping of public memory
Andrija Štampar, Desanka Ristović-Štampar, manuscript legacy, family correspondence, availability of archival material, archive law framework, collective memoryAbstract
In spite of the extensive historiography about the life and work of Andrija Štampar, doctor, founder of the World Health Organization, public health reformer and president of JAZU, there remains enough space for an analysis of many aspects of his life hitherto unknown to the public. This is partly due to the fact that some of his manuscript legacy, family correspondence and personal material kept in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb, was excluded from public use for 50 years from the signing of the contract, i.e. until August 2015. Out of these reasons, in the first part of this paper we analyse problems connected to availability dates for archival materials and we briefly review the wide law framework that regulates this. In the second part of the paper, we review the structure of Andrija Štampar's family fund focusing on the available family correspondence. In the third part of the paper, we explain the influence of private donors on the availability limitations of archival material, which can be useful to both potential donors and researchers. In the paper, we announce a project with the goal of questioning and evaluating the manuscript legacy of Andrija Štampar, and proving its historiographic value. It is a big responsibility as well as a special honour to carry his personal mark from the frame of the individual to the domain of the collective keeping of public memory.
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