The Amateur Theatre Society from Krapina (1841–1847)
Krapina, Croatian Revival Period 1841-1847, amateur theatre societyAbstract
This paper analyses the activity of the amateur theatre society that produced plays in Krapina during the Croatian National Revival from 1841 to 1847. Plays were performed by young, unknown noble men and women from Hrvatsko Zagorje, as well as ordinary citizens. Some of them had mutual family ties, most of them lived in various places in Hrvatsko Zagorje, and only a few lived in Krapina. Although plays were modelled after German plays, unlike Zagreb, where plays were performed in German or Hungarian language, plays in Krapina were performed in Croatian language. The paper gives the theatre society’s repertoire, schedule of performances and the cast of plays, with mentions of theatre patrons and critics. We describe the social atmosphere in Krapina of that time, as well as the impact of theatrical events in the press of that time. We also researched and describe the public activities of the theatre society’s members in post-amateur period.
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