Linguostylistic Determinants in Dictionaries of Croatian Language. On Problems of Stylistic Marking in Linguistic Lexicography
linguostylistic determinant, reference, functional style, colloquialism, jargonism, poeticism, administratismAbstract
Alongside entries, users of dictionaries of Croatian language come across various determinants used to define, with utmost precision, the position of the lexeme within the communication system. Linguostylistic determinants form one such group with the purpose of categorizing lexemes within the functionally layered system of the Croatian language and showing their stylistic (expressive and emotional) colourfulness. Linguostylistic determinants indicate the richness of the Croatian lexis so contemporary authors and authors of dictionaries pay great attention to recording them with precision. In this process they encounter a number of difficulties, notably due to the complexity of language as a communication system in which it is difficult to delimit and mark linguostylistically its vast number of units. This research will try to show and analyse some of the previously mentioned lexicographic difficulties, paying particular attention to the issues of distinguishing functional substyles and their linguostylistic marking, perceiving them as important interfering points of the two linguistic disciplines: lexicography and functional stylistics.
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