AMHA – Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica: response to certain traditional bibliography and medical challenges
History of medicine, medical journals, AMHA, Acta medico-historica Adriatica, CroatiaAbstract
AMHA – ACTA MEDICO-HISTORICA ADRIATICA is conceived as an international interdisciplinary scientific journal and since 2003 it has been publishing original scientific articles, notes, reviews, scientific congress reports, commentaries and essays written in the languages of Adriatic and Central European countries and in English. The main topics of interest are: medical history of people belonging to the Adriatic and Central European cultural tradition according to their geographical and historical determinants; their historical and medical connections and cooperation and the mark they left in other environments. Authors with contributions from other regions are also welcome. In the past eight years 227 reports were published, 157 of which belonged to Croatian and 70 to foreign authors. In 32 cases the reports were qualified as original scientific papers, 87 as reviews and 20 as essays. The rest were articles written for special occasions, editorials, cover essays, conference overviews, and the book In memoriam for deserving medical historians. In addition to regular issues, a series of supplements under the title »BIBLIOTEKA AMHA« – has been launched simultaneously. These are topical issues in the form of compiled papers of renowned medical historians, monographs dedicated to distinguished people and important events from the medical past – which is a kind of specialty of the magazine. Five author collections and two topical monographs have been published so far. The journal is indexed in the Elsevier Bibliographic databases, Embase, EMnursing, Compendex, Geobase, Mosby Yearbook, Ebsco and PubMed, i.e. Medline. In addition to the printed edition, the entire material is available online on: and The publishers are the Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Medical Culture and the Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities. University of Rijeka – School of Medicine.
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