The Miroslav Krleža Lexicographic Institute Retrospective Bibliography of Articles Catalogue: It’s Structure and History
southslavic periodical, periodic publication, article, catalogue, bibliography, bibliographic card, library, lexicography, naming list, Mate Ujević, The Miroslav Krleža Lexicographic Institute, Zagreb, National and University Library in ZagrebAbstract
In this paper the author has presented the history of establishment, development and structure of The Miroslav Krleža Lexicographic Institute Retrospective Bibliography of Articles Catalogue (RBC) in Zagreb. The RBC evolved following the design and editorship of Dr. Mate Ujević. The author has presented its unique and undiminished cultural, scientific and artistic value as well as its competent performance. The Catalogue stores about
8 000 000 bibliographical index cards and covers the period from the end of 18th century to 1945. The author stresses the essential need to protect and consequently revitalize the RBC in electronic media. In this way we will be able to preserve this exceptional monument of Croatian national heritage.
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